Mothering Sunday.

Mothering Sunday.

Tomorrow  being the fourth Sunday of Lent is Mothering Sunday. Traditionally a day when mothers are honoured in the U.K. This custom began many years ago and as time progressed the Church under her title 'Mother Church' was also honoured.  The Church and all it represented was recognised as a spiritual help in combating evil and protecting people from harm.
As the years passed the church festival and 'Mothering Sunday' combined to form what day we experience now.
 In addition to remembering our earthly mothers let's not forget our heavenly Mother, Our Lady. For she is a devoted Mother and we are her children. Our Lady is always with us, always ready to help and guide us through our earthly life.
So as well as buying gifts and cards to show our appreciation to Mum, lets not forget that we are also children of Mary.

I ask but one favour of you this day,
That of dwelling in your Church
Not as a scholar,
Nor as a philosopher,
Not as an athlete,
Nor yet as a hero,
But simply as a child of Mary,
your Mother. Amen.

by Pierre Charles, S.J.


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